Lightning Fire
During late September 2020 after a very dry summer season, a series of storms that delivered more lightning than precipitation igniting the Santa Cruz mountains into a blaze that has not been seen for generations. The fuel of dry brush and redwood and pine forest went ablaze into a ferocious firestorm that areas in and surrounding Big Basin State Park, home to some of the oldest redwood groves in the state.
Over a bleak few afternoons I photographed the devastation that the Santa Cruz Lightning fire left for the residents of Boulder Creek, CA. Upon visiting one destroyed home of a fellow artist, we shared some memories as well as sadness. Both of us were disgusted with Trump and FEMA support. I felt his loss in surmountable terms. He has lived in Boulder Creek for thirty years and raised three children on his property along with his wife. An artist who works in metal sculpture as well as masonry had years of work wiped from existence. Years of his work are scattered about in ruin along with family possessions, heirlooms, children’s toys and memories. I felt overwhelmed by the sorrow in this man’s eyes. I asked him how his insurance company was assisting him and another nightmare story unfolded. Needless to say, please read the fine text in your home insurance agreement regarding natural disasters, fires, etc. to verify your coverage is actually going to be there when you need it. Regardless, federal support for the victims of these fires remain tantamount. Please donate if you can and support these folks.